Union Pacific
Golden Spike Sponsor
CAHF is thrilled to have Union Pacific on board as our primary sponsor for our forthcoming Tournament of Roses Parade float, which will celebrate the contributions of Chinese immigrants who helped build the Transcontinental Railroad. 2019 commemorates the 150th year since the our great nation was joined together with the great transportation corridor!
Bachmann trains
Railroad Baron Sponsor
Since 1833, Bachmann has been known for providing quality products at an affordable price. As the world’s largest manufacturer of model railroading products, Bachmann offers a wide variety of HO, N, O and Large Scale trains representing everything from famous steam locomotives to today’s modern engines. Bachmann is pleased to offer the Transcontinental Train Set that brings to life all the sights and sounds of the Central Pacific #60 “Jupiter” and Union Pacific® #119 locomotives for the historic meeting of East and West at the 1869 Golden Spike ceremony in Promontory, Utah. This momentous event encapsulated all the strength, unity, and determined spirit of an international crew of railroad workers who made the dream of a transcontinental railroad a reality.
Rich Janyszek, Senior Vice President, notes: “Bachmann Trains is proud to join in this celebration of the indomitable spirit of railroad workers...yesterday, today, and into the future.”
CAHF is blessed to have Bachmann Trains as our Railroad Baron Sponsor.
Bank of america
Bank of America Merrill Lynch came to the rescue when we wanted to supersize our community outreach. We tapped into the Asian Leadership Network within Bank of America and suddenly, the rest of the world knew about our initiative for the Tournament of Roses. Thank you, Alex and Linda, and all the Bank of America Merrill Lynch folks who have become part of our decorative family!
The CACA - Boston Lodge is our local, New England connection to Chinese Americans. Like the CAHF, the CACA organization is dedicated to shine a light on the Chinese American contributions and accomplishments in the United States and around the world. Just like the national organization, the CACA-Boston Lodge is focused on helping Chinese Americans achieve the American Dream via mentoring, networking, professional development, career forums, investment seminars and business opportunities.
Chinese Railroad workers descendants Association
The Chinese Railroad Workers Descendants Association (CRWDA) is a national, membership based, charitable organization which seeks to preserve, promote and protect the contributions made by Chinese railroad workers to the United States. Through educational and philanthropic efforts, CRWDA supports academic research, historic preservation and artistic projects that further the understanding and appreciation of the sacrifices, struggles, hardships and contributions made by generations of Chinese and Chinese Americans to the United States.
The Chung Was Chinese Academy was co-founded by CAHF visionary, Wilson Lee, in 2000. The academy provides educational programs, promotes Chinese Culture, enhances American multi-cultural civilization, and engages with mainstream society. CAHF President, Esther Lee, serves as Chairwoman of the Board of Director from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2022.
Our Strategic Partners
We are honored to be working with these notable community organizations.
Lee Family Association
The Lee (or Li) descendants live across the United States and contribute to the lasting legacy of the Lee Family.
new england chess institute, inc.
A world class chess organization, associated with The World Kwong Tung Community Association.
Irish center of los angeles
The Irish Center of Southern California, Inc. promotes Irish culture and supports our local Irish and Irish-American community. Special thanks to Bridget Hannah for connecting us to Irish rail worker descendants!
California African American museum
The California African American Museum's mission is to research, collect, preserve, and interpret for public enrichment the history, art, and culture of African Americans with an emphasis on California and the western United States. We appreciate the special efforts of Executive Director, George Davis, his colleagues, Paula Madison and Sharon Styles.
E.L. Mann, P.C. is a Certified Public Accountant. The company was established in 2002 and incorporated in 2003 in Massachusetts.